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January 2, 2023

Apple Pie - Vegan & Gluten Free

Apple Filling

~ Granny Smith Apples

~ All Purpose Flour

~ Coconut Oil

~ Cane Sugar

~ Cinnamon

~ Ginger Lemon Tonic

~ Salt

Pie Crust

~ All Purpose Flour

~ Plant Based Milk

~ Apple Sauce

~ Coconut Oil

~ Salt

Begin preparing the crust. Sift flour. Set aside. Preheat oven to 350.

Prepare the apple filling. Core, peel, and slice apples. Mix remaining ingredients together with apples. Set aside.

Mix pie crust ingredients together until dough forms. Split in half. Use one half for the pie base. Form and press into a glass pie dish for the crust. Use other half of dough for topping. Roll out and form strips. Place strips over pie filling.

Cook for 40min or until crust browns and the apple filling is bubbling. Allow to cool a few minutes. Pair with your favorite vanilla ice cream or some cocowhip and enjoy!

**Wholesome ingredients composed of organic, non-gmo, gluten free, plant-based, fair trade, vegan, low added sugars, unsweetened products, and natural sources.**

Brooke Hacker
