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February 10, 2023

Cinnamon Rolls - Vegan & Gluten Free

Roll Dough

~ All Purpose Flour

~ Plant Based Milk

~ Coconut Oil

~ Apple Sauce

~ Maple Syrup

~ Vanilla

Cinnamon Center

~ Coconut Oil

~ Cane Sugar

~ Cinnamon

~ Cocoa

Set oven temperature to 350. Mix roll dough ingredients together. With your hands on top of unbleached parchment paper, press out and flatten the dough. Creating an even rectangular shape. Put coconut oil over the top of the dough. Sprinkle cane sugar, cinnamon, and cocoa evenly. Roll dough together. Slice into cinnamon rolls. Place on an unbleached parchment covered pan. Cook for about 20 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes and enjoy!

**Wholesome ingredients composed of organic, non-gmo, gluten free, plant-based, fair trade, vegan, low added sugars, unsweetened products, and natural sources.**

Brooke Hacker
