BHdesign Nutritious Creations are low in added sugars as per the BHdesign Nutritious Creation Promise. The recipes contain minimal sugars and are mostly nutrient dense sugars that contain vitamins and minerals. Fruit is the earth’s dessert as well as some vegetables. The fruits that are sourced for recipes are organic and/or non-gmo (not genetically modified). Fruit contains natural fructose. The cane sugar used in these recipes is a sucrose form of sugar that is organic, non-gmo, and fair trade. Maple syrup is another sweetener that is used. Mostly a sucrose, maple syrup provides essential vitamins and minerals. Fructose and sucrose are simple carbohydrates that aid in the glucose bioavailability for the production of energy. The brain is mostly made up of glucose which creates a clearer brain functioning environment. There is also evidence to support, when protein consumption is too low, having high glucose consumption can create the needed protein within cells overtime.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and neurotransmitter functioning require glucose in order to create energy for daily expenditure. The more raw and pure forms of sugars consumed, are healthier and more easily bioavailable. Having the lack of or minimal altered chemistry components, supports less cell mutation. BHdesign Nutritious Creation recipes have mainly fruit in their natural state for added sweetness. In order to have gluten free and vegan recipes, fruit is used as the substitute for a binder. The flour of choice used is also nutrient dense with ingredients such as buckwheat, almonds, chestnut, flax, coconut, and arrowroot.
As with all ingredients used in BHdesign Nutritious Creations, they are wholesome ingredients composed of organic, non-gmo, gluten free, plant-based, fair trade, vegan, low added sugars, unsweetened products, and natural sources.